Exeter Student Storage

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   Free Boxes  Free Collection, Packing service now available In Exeter                

From Only £1 per Box per/week

? How it works ? Order your free boxes & tape ? order a few more than you think you will need Just give back the unused boxes and you will not be charged. We deliver ? You pack them ? We collect ? We store ? You relax ? We deliver back or ship your Boxes after your break. ? Simple Student storage & moving. Service. 

 Crown box with size newastro box with sizes


Exeter university’s best known student storage service.

 搬运存倉服務很好,價錢合理, 手腳干淨。 好安心同滿意佢地既服務,工作態度一流。 很專業, 即便学生的书很重,但他们也二话不说帮你搬:) 和他们也谈了几句,很开心!! 很推荐这公司给别人^^ Wong Yeung

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Free Boxes & tape.

Over the last few years we have seen some very cheap box packs that university students buy. there is no need we supply free boxes & tape our boxes are double skinned making them more robust for storage and moving. Cheap boxes there just not worth it our boxes & tape are free to Exeter university Students the benefits of using high-quality cardboard packing boxes and storage boxes have become clear, but most suppliers only sell single skin standard boxes with double-walled boxes being offered at higher prices – often classed as book boxes. Exeter-20130926-00625 Woman carrying moving boxes Free boxes & tape call exeterstudentstorage.co.uk 01392590599 storage solutions Student storage, moving & shipping solutions rewiwsrewiws2reviw 22rewiws 1 Exeter student storage Booking line 01392 590 599 Email students@stuff2move.co.uk Find & Follow Us: facebook_logo_by_ditch_designs-d5nzfb4 twitter-logo linkedin-logo-1024x289 google_plus_logo

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