Beware of scams
Unfortunately, some criminals try to get money from students, particularly our international students. Some of these scams will be very authentic and persuasive and it can be frightening. Please don’t give out any personal details, especially banking details.
Examples of recent scams that have targeted our students include:
- An international student received a hoax phone call from someone claiming to be from the Home Office and was asked to share personal details.
- A student gave away their email login details through responding to a phishing email. A few months later, their email account had been hijacked and the hijacker impersonated the University to request the student pay tuition fee deposits.
- Committee members of a student society have been targeted with threatening Whatsapp messages.
If you’re contacted by someone and it seems unusual, unexpected or just odd, please end the call/communication. You should then contact your Info Point who can offer you advice on what to do next. If the person who contacted you is genuine they won’t mind you checking this and then getting back to them.
Find out more about keeping safe online.
We also have some specific guidance on protecting yourself on social media.